Thursday, October 20

Blogshops are EVIL

As a stay-at-home wife, i have recently succumbed to the pressures of online shopping.

My most recent haunt is this adorable little blogshop that sells baby clothes called Modern Munchkin. It's so evil, i have decided to forget my Maybank2u password so that i don't end up buying the entire store.

To be fair, i haven't really bought anything significant for the baby yet... just a few onesies that i couldn't live without, and those adorable Freddie the Frog shoes i bought in Medan.

People keep telling me that i'll get lots of clothes/stuff from the baby shower (whenever that is)... but i really feel that i can't depend on people to give me stuff i need but i'm also afraid to buy too much stuff that might end up not being used because the rate that babies grow are super unpredictable, and also i have tons of awesome friends and family, who WILL probably end up giving me tons of stuff anyway.

I'll probably put a hold on the shopping cart, until after the baby shower... then start listing the things i still need/want.

But seriously, how do i say no to things like THIS!!??

Too cute to resist.

Darn it, I need a day job, or at least some form of distraction to get me thru these next few weeks.

PS: sidenote, i just got back from a free training session by EXABYTES that teaches how-to create your own blogshop, and i have to say it seems REALLY easy. I'm thinking that given the opportunity, i might actually open my own blogshop... whatcha think?? Also, my own domain is finally back at, haven't decided what to do with it yet... maybe portfolio, maybe a shop? :P

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