Sunday, November 27

KPJ Antenatal Class

Yesterday (Saturday), me and Muuzi experienced a day of learning in KPJ Selangor Antenatal class...

The class is held for first time parents like us to learn everything we'd need to know about the birth process, breastfeeding, baby grooming, and just answering any question we might have..

It's only about RM80 percouple, and i found the lectures very resourceful, but unfortunately was distracted by Muuzi falling asleep every 5 mins. With the RM80 you pay, you get breakfast, lunch and tea breaks... as well as a goodie bag with a bunch of useful pamphlets, printed notes and a free box of baby soap (sponsored by Johnsons)

The nurse giving the seminar was a 65 year old lady with a teaching degree and a masters... so she thought she was pretty big stuff.. she kept sharing intimate details about her life with us, eventho no one really wanted to know. But she was definitely resourceful, that is for sure..

The best part was when she started showing us videos for breastfeeding, and a gruesome video of a woman giving birth and having a episiotomy (OMGaaaah, the horrror!)... thru it all, i honestly still haven't decided on a birthing plan.. they all look equally horrifying.  

After the 8am - 6.30pm class, me and Muuzi had to rush off to Saujana Resort for his Ex-bandmate Hafiz's wedding ceremony... newly weds Izal and Leng were there  as well, since the rest of the boys of One Buck Short were in Kuching.

Mrs and Mr Mooky

I seriously can't get over how big i've gotten recently... like how am i even upright is a miracle.

A few more weeks to the due date... and we still have so much to figure out.

I'm thinking of delivering the baby *naturally* in Selayang Hospital, and honestly that's about as far as my planning has gotten.

*Naturally* may involve some heavy narcotics... at this point i'm not sure how bad the pain will be, so let's not be all heroic and rule out drugs just yet.

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