Friday, June 5

Curse of Channel 613

Been watching too much Playhouse Disney with Alif these past few days.

'Di di bo.. Dibodibodi! '

Can't get them out of my head, it's like that cursed Wonderpets themesong..!! I dah hafal almost all the bloody songs.. including Dibo the gift dragon, Little Einsteins and Jojo's Circus. I'm such a dork. huuhu

Been wanting to upload pics, but my PC is in mama's house so i'm using Uncle Mac's laptop for now. No photoshop here. Dang it. and i gatal pegi delete the portable Photoshop from my thumbdrive. Haih.

But u can check out some pics from my birthday on facebook as well as Jaja and Mashi's blog.

Owh and check out this video of Jaja singing me Happy Birthday at secret recipe the other day. :D

PS: Owh did anyone by any chance seen the 'New Moon' trailer? OMG Kristin Steward!!?? Yaaaaaaaawwwwnn.... 'Owh, papercut...' Gila lifeless... Is she already a Vampire??

I'm so downloading that shitz, so not 10bucks worthy. haih.

PPS: Im gay for Taylor Swift, her skin is so super flawless.. jealous. I just want to lick her face. :P

PPPS: Monster VS. Alien was super FUN!! I love BOB. :D



portable photoshop? gimp?

Ayeshadam said...

Whats a gimp?

Portable photoshop! Best gila.. it's a tiny file letak dlm thumbdrive then u can have photoshop on any pc. :D

Rashid said...

"PPS: Im gay for Taylor Swift, her skin is so super flawless.. jealous. I just want to lick her face. :P"

Is it okay if I fap to this?

PS: A gimp is a guy who is a sex slave, such as in BDSM.


GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program

it's a photoshop-ish program.

Ayeshadam said...

nope, it's actual photoshop. :D

best gila. try google portable photoshop.

Rashid: Whats BDSM??

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