Stepping out of youth and plunging into being a fulltime wife and mother.
Monday, July 31
Weekends updates.
Come lets recap.
After work @ 6, Wan <3>picked me up and sent me back to puchong. *yes, we are now.. back to normal* hurrah~
After a short mkn mkn @ mina tomyam, i went upstairs and took a shower and changed cuz i had to meet Alang in midvalley @ 10pm. Sampai midvalley kul 9 lebih so went window shopping japs. lalalala~~
About 10 something Alang arrived and we jalan2 japs and then headed off for Kelana Jaya to his friends studio. *mind the free advertising* After lepak2 awhile, was introduced to his friends rashid, and herri *studio owner*. And to my suprise Ayu and Kaz were there as well. :D So it wasn't just a bunch of guys and me *phew*.. Owh and also tons of other Mmu peeps who apparently were jamming there. including Jr Adlie and Sr Isma.
Around midnite, me and the boys headed down to Loft. Met up with Mooky, Karman and the other lofters. Weirdly, Abg bunga ignored me.. and made it quite obvious. Dunno whats his problem. more on that later... Owh! i almost forgot! I met Joyce Wong!! hahaha! It was so embarressing. and awkward. Mooky introduced Joyce to me and I go 0_0!! Then she starts talking to me... and i stand there like a starstruck doink! *aiyahh... so malu :(*
It was weird being introduced to someone who you know all about *i read her blog a lot...* It was like being caught reading someone's diary.. huhu. But i think i recovered very well..
maybe not.
Anyway, after some headbobbing tunes. I headed out to look for my entourage, Who had magically dissapeared. Ran into Fendi (Classmate, 360photographer, Raver, Zouk regular, and one of my Ex's not-so-close friends). After some questioning, i was reunited with alang and the boys. Just in time for Mashi, Jaja and Didie to arrive to pick me up :) *balik yeay*
I got home and collapsed. Seriously. I didnt even take off my socks. I was dead tired.
I woke up to the sound of Didie's laughter. And Mashi saying "hey, that's not Datuk K?" *long story... haha*
It was 11am and too early for me to be up (in my opinion.) but the girls made a big fuss about being hungry.. So i caved. So me, the girls and didie gi makan kat terminal cyberjaya (Kat kedai Tok Muaz, but he wasn't in so tak dpt mkn free.. huhu). After that, kitorang balik golek2 kekenyangan beramai2. Then got an sms from Alang inviting us to 7ate9 @ ascott for some sort of party later that day. So we got dressed up and left for KL at 7pm.
7ate9 was a cool place. Lots of gorgeous people there. Owh and fendi was there as well, Taking pictures. :) *ehem ehem*
Alang came by later with Natalie his girlfriend :)
She was nice.
After an hour or so we decided to go Hartamas instead. After a quick detour to taman permata to pick up Arip, we shot off. To my suprise Alia and Fez were also in Hartamas Square so we crashed their table. Rendra (Fez's best bud) was there too. *^_^* (shut up alia!). After makan and gossips, Mooky called me and sed he was around Hartamas too.. @ Don's. So, made a quick dash to Don's and lepaked with him for awhile. (he couldn't stay.. had other plans). Then Alia and her posse' moved to Don's as well for the shisha is better there (i so agree!). Sat with them for awhile then dashed off to Square to check up on my own posse'.. only to find they had given away my chair. So chairless, i went back to Alia's gang. and had shisha.. *bliss*
Owh and i finally met FARID DAIM!! muahahaha... Alia and farid have been chatting a lot for about a year.. but have never met. Gedik gila. So i called farid and asked him to get his butt over to hartamas to meet us. But he was already here. haha. So watched alia borak2 with Farid and I borak2 with everyone else. Rendra reinvited us to holiday with him and some friends in Pulau Rawa. ^_^ *wahh! bestnye*
Still thinking about it.
After reuniting with my real friends. We shot of to KJ to lepak with Alang @ Hacienda again. :P Aircond, Astro, Boys with Guitars... who can ask for more. *bliss... again.*
Reached home @ 4 something. Koma again.
Got a way-too-early call from Aunty Wanie inviting me and alia to haf lunch with the family at 12.30. I said Ok. then looked at the time, SHIT! it's already 11am!! how to get ready @ go from Cyber> Bukit bintang in 1 and a half hour. Die Die. Plus was damn tired... huhu.
So got up, got dressed, and got on a bus/erl to bukit bintang.
Naturally we arrived an hour late. :D but the whole family was there (excluding mama.. anti-social la that woman. tsk.).
Didn't realise i missed them so much.. Alif is soooo comey!! saya suka! :D
Too bad got no pics. DAMMIT!!
I need to fix my camera!!! Die la camni. takley idop la..
Whats a Camwhore without a CAMERA?? a Whore je. :(
ini tidak boleh Jadi.
Thinking of selling my Olympus 5060. for cheap, about under 2K.(of course i'll go fix it first la.)
tell me if anybodies interested :D
Anyway, after lunch (Pizza. and lots of it)... went to Debenhams @ timesQuare and watched alia shop. Then went to midvalley and watch alia shop summore (so sad la.. miskin.) I did buy a Shirt tho. :D :D and a bolero. muahahaha!
Then balik cyber... lepak ngn the girls, Arip, Didie and Wan. Cuddle2 kejap.. pastu at midnite camtu Didie hantar me and alia balik puchong. :) thx Di. :)
so theres my weekend. Told u it was damn mad. huhu...
I'll post pictures from mashi's camera when i get them :P
Friday, July 28
Someone get me a map! Pronto!
3 and a 1/2 HOURS!!!
walawei! i ley sampai n9 tau. huhu.. I got on the worng bus this morning. Cuz i don't stay in cyber anymore i didn't know the bus routes, cuz they changed everything! So i got on a bus that goes to KL and the bloody thing took a scenic route of putrajaya. AN HOUR on the bus and WE were still in Putrajaya!! (WE as in me, and several other indons)
then to make things worst. I tertido dlm bus. -_-... cuz it was taking too bloody long. I was supposed to get off at serdang KTM, but i woke up in Kota raya. WTF WTF WTF WTF!!! :(( :(( :(( Panic Panic Panic!!
for those who know me.. know that i do not go places alone, unless im meeting someone, or something like that. I do not wonder the streets of KL alone. It's not something i do. (tak caya tanya alia.)
finally, i naik bus 21 gi jln klang lama. and took a cab. All that resulted in the 3 and a 1/2 hour journey. And a very pissy Friday morning.
neway Lets Recap yesterday:
Balik keje kul 6, My trusted drebar picked me up and we set of to cyber. But stopped by my place for some clothes and stuff. Then went to CCT1010 (theater class). Rashid, Adam, ALiya, Oci and joop were some of the 'seniors of theater' who also came to nyibuk..
I miss theater.
Listening to Mr Mano teach is so inspirational. I miss being inspired. But i will forever regret telling him about my accident last raya.
Now everytime he sees me, he goes ' Hey ayesha! how are you? been in any new accidents lately??'
-_- !
of course i lied and said 'no la.. drive safe!'
and covering the hideous new scar on my leg that i got because of that tumble with mama a few days ago. *sigh*
sakit la camni... huhu.
neway! after a quick dinner with the theaterNuts. (cabonara.... nice!)
went home and got ready for ghetto with jaja.
Weehee! No Iqmar there... dunno exactly how i feel about that. But no harm done. But you wouldn't guess who i bumped into in zouk. My Skinny Neighbour SUE ANNE!!! and friends (who i don't know) and my old skewlmate NURDARLINNA AYU (yg agak sombong. but yeah, what else is new..)
And of course Diena wong and Cuteen, who apparently are also friends with Bard (which explains why diena was also in espanda on bard's bday :P). After Zouk, met up with Wan and his fave kakak angkat, Kak sherry. Ok, Kak sherry is one of the nicest of the girls wan has ever introduced to us. :) She's so friendly. :)
Tonight, i'm probably going out with alang. dunno where to yet. we'll see.
ps: He hasn't called in a week. Should i be worried?
Thursday, July 27
Ah!! regret regret!! bladi hell!!!
stolen from my idol, Joyce wong
huwaaaaaaa... bestnya!!
damn damn damn.
to all u people who went, and tak ajak me. Damn yuh!!
Good Morning people!!!
Nothing much to say today... went back to melawati last night, after work.
Took a cab from kuchai to LRT bangsar. Then i got a call from Didie, saying he wanted to see me. So waited at LRT bangsar for Didie to come and send me back to melawati.
After lepakking in a mamak stall in melawati, didie sent me home. And then i saw her, for the first time in 28days.. ALIA!!
she looked Toasted Brown and berkilat. Talking to mama n Aunty wanie! Muahahahaa!!
My Brown Little sister... cam oversized bunian.. (gelak guling2 at this remark.)
Cam dah kurus skit la... but im just so glad she's back that i don't really care. :D neway after lots of catching up and gossips. I had to sleep early cuz i have work the next day. Darn it.
Alia! come to puchong tomorrow!! ok?? kita gi shisha. and then some. :D
*emo shit mode*
BODOH SIAL MYSPACE nih!! sengal gila.. jap jap cacat, jap jap cacat.
Tensi tensi!! i mean it's my office ritual... come to office, bukak myspace, baca msg, balas comment, spy page org. Rinse and repeat.
but kalau myspace takde?? i'll have to actually.... WORK!!!
damn damn damn damn damn!!
Gmail pon not working. :( expecting email from moe <3, huhu...
sigh sigh sigh!! apekah nasibku ini??
owh, im going to cyber later, after work with ezani :D
gonna go see the theaterdorks. (hey! that's a cooler production name that theaternuts!) Maybe meet up with addamblack and rashid (who misses me intently, i know rashid. You don't have to say it :D). Also go home and cuddle with jaja, who's currently going thru some tough shit. I'm coming baby!! tunggu me!!
malam ni diena wong n zaxx ajak gi loft lak. Ade event amenda ntah. Tak tau la gi ke tak, si zaxx ni malas nak explain pepanjang. Ampeh. Susah2 gi ghetto je. senang idup. muahahaha. Maybe Iqmar ada. Tp tak berharap pon nak jumpa dia. After he stood me up two weeks ago.. (Ok, he had a really good reason. but still, it cause me to make a stupid phonecall... which i still regret doing. Damn u CREDIT!)
asal la christine ni dok kareoke lagu cina dari pagi tadi!! uwaaa!! sengalnya daku!
here's something to listen to, that isn't remotely chinese :D
Kate Winslet - What if
I like to sing this song in the shower. My showerhead is very impressed. :D *ehem ehem*
Ok. nak sambung pura2 bekerja for another 3 hours.. sigh. gila makan gaji buta. huhu.
Well, hopefully if all goes well with my projects. I won't have to do this much longer. :)
Wednesday, July 26
Me and my Cross Dressing Driver...
Wan was supposed to pick me up.. but he didn't. hurmm..
So, after waiting around for about 25 minutes. I lost hope and started flagging down cabs. Question: Why isn't there ever a Cab when you NEED one?? Neway, so i waited for a cab for about another 30 mins then hope arrived in a form of a lime GREEN cab (my fave kind... they're so unique!) Well, anyway, I got into the cab and Told the cabbie where i wanted to go.. and then i saw it.. The cabbie was wearing a Blue SEQUINNED LADIES BLOUSE.
You know those momments when you run into something so weird and obsurd... and you KNOW that it's incredibly rude to stare... but you just can't peel your eyes off the situation?? This was one of those times. And i couldn't help staring! I mean, I tried.. my BEST! but man, the blogger in me couldn't spare it. I started thinking all sorts of things. I mean, It was a pretty old chinese guy. Maybe he got dressed in the dark... and put on his wifes blouse instead? yeah maybe thats it.. But then, I noticed he was wearing purple old lady lycra pants. (haha!) You know the kind phua chu kang's wife rosie wears? (double haha!) But i reasoned... maybe it was laundry day. Or maybe his house burned down and all he had left was his dead wifes old clothes. (sad... but it could happen. Very Telenovela. Dontcha think?) But then, i saw.... bracelets. Blue and white CRYSTAL bracelets... with matching crystal watch.
That's when it hit me. My Cabbies a cross dresser. At that exact momment i thought. 'THIS IS SOO GOING INTO MY BLOG!!' haha.
let me give you guys a little visual... to help you to imagine what he looked like..
He had a blue bracelet. With matching Watch.
Every cross dressing man needs the Right assesories. :D Right?
A blue ladies blouse.

Something like this but... in blue. and with sequins. :D
And these.... very popular with fitness experts and old amoi's.

Hint: Two words. Starts with a Camel, Ends with a Toe.
He roughly looked like this guy. There.. you put it together. :D
hehe... I love KL. It's so interesting :)
owh ya...
ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey!
ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey!
ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey!
ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey!
ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey!
ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey!
ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey!
ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey!
ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey! ALia balik harini Yey!
Ngee!! :D :D :D
Sharil tak dtg harini.. so im probably gonna haff to eat lunch alone. :(
cedih tul.
Still miss cyber. sigh~
well at least alia's gonna be around. weee!
Damn boss dtg.. ok gtg and pretend to do work. ta!
Tuesday, July 25
ALia balik Esok Yey!
ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey!
ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey! ALia balik Esok Yey!
As you can see i am very excited.. :D
I can't wait to have my other half back!!! >:D<>My lalink little Sista!! :D :D
*ni baru gi lumut 3 minggu, i dah hilang akal... belum lagi gi UK 4 tahun!!! Uwaaaa!! mati laaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~!!!*
Owh i just heard from mashi... and then confirmed by RTM that Actor Hani Mohsin just passed away. :( *al-fatihah*
The Roda Impian Host had a heart attack and collapsed in KLIA. And died soon after. :(
so sad isn't it??
"Pelakon dan pengacara Roda Impian Hani Mohsin Hanafi meninggal dunia dipercayai akibat serangan jantung pada pukul 9.30 pagi tadi.
Mohsin, 43, ketika itu berada di terminal Low Cost Carrier di KLIA, Sepang untuk penerbangan ke Alor Setar, Kedah bersama-sama anaknya Hani Karmila, 9 tahun.
Mohsin mengadu sakit dada dan kemudiannya rebah. Hani Karmila kemudiannya menelefon ibunya Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina.
Tiara dan suaminya Datuk Seri Effendi Norwawi kemudian bergegas ke terminal tersebut.
Jenazah Mohsin akan dibawa ke hospital untuk dibedah siasat"-foweded by mashi

Monday, July 24
how you could break my heart. my achy breakey heart.
I am currently blogging from the office. Because i have nothing better to do.
MYspace plak tak bley bukak.. ishk. benci benci!
and i was expecting a important msg from a lot of important people!! damn. Looks like i'll have to go a CC later.
Neway, i had a great weekend...
+Loft on friday with the girls and Didie. Where i was reunited with my darlings alang and abg bunga ;) and also i finally got to
+ Was supposed to go back to melawati on saturday but cuz of the downpour that morning and evening.... couldn't leave till Didie came at nite in which it was too late to go home neway so went to Ghost + Jins exhibits in shah alam with the girls and didi, then met up with wan and arip..Hartamas, Shisha (A LOT OF SHISHA!), AF4 (not by choice), and foosball. Owh and i met this adorable guy in uncle don's named fiQ. Ahh~ cair! he's so cute.. i got his number.. :D but i'm not sharing! bluek!!
And on sunday had
+Lunch with the peeps @ terminal cyber. and terserempak with Chapan and Amril, then lepaking in Extreme park sunway with adam+ayesha, seth and didie, then finally, window shopping in OU with didie and jaja, owh and Pirates Of the Carriebbean threesome with Mr Depp and Mr Bloom... again. :D :D
Of course every weekend isn't without downsides. Had a kind-of disagreement with wan a bout our relationship (or lack there-of).. then other complications came up regarding guy friends who go over-board on the friendliness factor. :( Also those who have made it their responsibility to be jealous and make my life miserable with lectures about how I should live my life.
this is what i have to say about that...
I am SOooo... totally, not ready for a relationship right now. So, if u guys don't mind pls get of my back about it. You guys are my friends and i want it to stay that way. I really don't need more people to get hurt because of me. cuz honestly, i'm screwed up. You might think i'm all cute and cuddles... but i'm not. I'm just not into relationships right now. With that murderous, heart stomping break up i had to go thru with Daniel, and then having Moe leave the country and leave me here to rot alone. I'm really not hell bent on letting you
Thank You.
ps: INXS is coming to malaysia!! *Drools* JD fortune! *Drools*
More info here
Friday, July 21
Harry Potter Updates!!
Order of the Phoenix Cast
A list of all confirmed cast members, sorted alphabetically:
Hogwarts Students
Afshan Azad
Padma Patil
Info IMDb
Tiana Benjamin
Angelina Johnson
Info IMDb
Shefali Chowdhury
Parvati Patil
Info IMDb
Alfred Enoch
Dean Thomas
Confirmed by Alfred at the Goblet of Fire Premiere
Info IMDb
Tom Felton
Draco Malfoy
Cast Special IMDb Gallery News
Rupert Grint
Ron Weasley
Confirmed on October 22nd 2005 here.
Cast Special IMDb Gallery News
Joshua Herdman
Gregory Goyle
Info IMDb
Katie Leung
Cho Chang
Confirmed by Katie in her newsletter.
Info IMDb Gallery News
Matthew Lewis
Neville Longbottom
Info IMDb Gallery News
Evanna Lynch
Luna Lovegood
Announced by Warner Bros. on February 7th 2006
Info IMDb Gallery News
Devon Murray
Seamus Finnegan
Confirmed by Devon at FX 2006 convention.
Info IMDb Gallery News
James Phelps
Fred Weasley
Confirmed by James at the Goblet of Fire Premiere.
Info IMDb Gallery News
Oliver Phelps
George Weasley
Confirmed by Oliver at the Goblet of Fire Premiere.
Info IMDb Gallery News
Daniel Radcliffe
Harry Potter
Confirmed in an interview with USA Today.
Cast Special IMDb Gallery News
Nick Shim
Zacharias Smith
Info IMDb
Emma Watson
Hermione Granger
Publically announced in an interview with Teen Vogue.
Cast Special IMDb Gallery News
Jamie Waylett
Vincent Crabbe
Confirmed by Jamie at Goblet of Fire Premiere.
Info IMDb Gallery News
Bonnie Wright
Ginny Weasley
Confirmed by Bonnie at the Goblet of Fire Premiere.
Info IMDb Gallery
Hogwarts Staff
David Bradley
Argus Filch
Info IMDb
Apple Brook
Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
Info IMDb
Robbie Coltrane
Rubeus Hagrid
Info IMDb Gallery News
Warwick Davis
Filius Flitwick
Info IMDb Gallery News
Michael Gambon
Albus Dumbledore
Info IMDb Gallery News
Alan Rickman
Severus Snape
Info IMDb Gallery News
Maggie Smith
Professor McGonagall
Info IMDb Gallery News
Imelda Staunton
Dolores Umbridge
Officially announced by Warner Bros. 2nd February 2006
Info IMDb Gallery News
Other Characters
Helena Bonham Carter
Bellatrix Lestrange
Officially announced by CBBC Newsround.
Info IMDb Gallery News
(owh My GOD!!!)
Ralph Fiennes
Lord Voldemort
Confirmed in an interview with Coming Soon.
Info IMDb Gallery News
Brendan Gleeson
Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
Info IMDb Gallery News
Richard Griffiths
Uncle Vernon
Info IMDb News
Robert Hardy
Cornelius Fudge
Info IMDb
George Harris
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Revealed by CCBC Newsround on 30th January 2006.
Info IMDb
Alec Hopkins
Young Severus Snape
Info IMDb
Charles Hughes
Young Peter Pettigrew
Info IMDb
Kathryn Hunter
Arabella Figg
Officially announced by Warner Bros. 2nd February 2006
Info IMDb
Jason Issacs
Lucius Malfoy
Info IMDb Gallery News
Robbie Jarvis
Young James Potter
Revealed by CCBC Newsround on 30th January 2006.
Info IMDb
Richard Leaf
Auror Dawlish
Info IMDb
Richard Macklin
Info IMDb
(who's malcolm?)
Harry Melling
Dudley Dursley
Info IMDb
Jim McManus
Aberforth Dumbledore
Confirmed by Leaky
Info IMDb
(OoOOOOooo!! Aberforth is gonna be in the MOVIE! weee!!)
Gary Oldman
Sirius Black
Confirmed by Warner Bros. 7th February 2006
Info IMDb Gallery News
Chris Rankin
Percy Weasley
Confirmed by Chris in January 2006.
Info IMDb Gallery News
(percy the prick is back :D)
Fiona Shaw
Aunt Petunia
Info IMDb
Susie Shinner
Young Lily Potter
Info IMDb Gallery News
David Thewlis
Remus Lupin
Confirmed by Warner Bros. 7th February 2006
Info IMDb Gallery News
Sian Thomas
Amelia Bones
Info IMDb Gallery News
Natalia Tena
Nymphadora Tonks
Officially announced by Warner Bros. 2nd February 2006
Info IMDb
James Utechin
Young Remus Lupin
Info IMDb
James Walters
Young Sirius Black
Info IMDb
Julie Walters
Molly Weasley
Announced by Julie Walters in interview with Film Focus.
Info IMDb Gallery
Mark Williams
Arthur Weasley
Info IMDb
Non-Human CharactersTony Maudsley
Grawp (voice)
Info IMDb
(gwapy!!! :D)
Jason Piper
Info IMDb
(eye candy...;;P)
Michael Wildman
Magorian the Centaur
Revealed by CBBC Newsround on 1st February 2006.
Info IMDb
Yeay!! i can't Wait!!! :D
*i don't suffer from Potterholisme. I enjoy it.*
Wednesday, July 19
Who wants to be a superhero??
Heroes are born, Superheroes are made.
Theres a lot of cool things on the site, read more about the superheroes and also watch videos and even create your own superhero avatar. :) This is 'My Own Superhero'. KickerAsser!! :D
nway. on lighter news. I'm going to go watch pirates of the carriebean...again, tonight. :D
can't wait :D :D :D
im so excited. aren't you?
i don't need a hero now that i've got you ;)
Monday, July 17
Songs, tears, and no happy endings.
I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done
And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do
Light up...
Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads
Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess
Friday, July 14
Will and Me sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g...
yesterday (thursday) i ponteng keje... cuz i was lazy and i think my life here is pointless and dull... plus the bosses weren't around. :D An also cuz i slept late that wednesday nite cuz i went to watch PIRATES OF THE CARRIEBEAN!!! :D :D :D
for those who haven't seen it yet..
it's completely and utterly awesome!! extremely awesome that i wanna watch it again.... and again.... and AGAIN!! the movie is extremely funny and also action packed... :D
you wont regret paying 10 bucks (or in my case rm12) for it.
Jack Sparrow is as devious and a hillarious as ever.... and apparently more retarded. :P But Depp is still gorgeous! Of course.
GO WATCH POTC dead mans chest. Go now!
*ini bukan iklan berbayar.*
Neway yesterday me and jaja when to ZOuk With Wan. Ghetto heaven bebeh!!
dah lama tak gi.. kekok lak.. huhu.
good thing He was there.. my fave dance partner ever! ^_^
saw a lot more other people who i haven't seen in ages!! There was Doul (yes the singer.. hehe mashi~), Fha (his brother.), also Renny, BULL!!! (again.. hehe mashi..), and ANDY!!!!! and his weird little friend. haha! Andy. the first person i ever really danced with in ghetto... damn he was gatal. haha. i avoided him as much as possible.. tp smalam dpt la revenge skit cuz i was with him ;)
tp smalam serious ramai She-males.. giller hotness! :P jeles tgk.. hehe.
DAMMIT! boss panggil lagi.. sibuk tul org tua nih. gtg.!!
Wednesday, July 12
Stolen from Kenny sia.
i'm not proud but it's just too funny.....
Signs You're Suffering From World Cup Withdrawal Symptoms
The World Cup's over but are you still feeling the football fever? Here are top 6 signs you might be suffering from World Cup Withdrawal Symptoms. (there's supposed to be 9 but i threw out the ones the weren't as funny.
6. You wake up for no reason at all at 3am, feeling as if you should be doing something instead of sleeping.

5. When your boss or lecturer explained something to you that you don't understand, you said to him "Sir! You keep on talking, but I'm like that French goalkeeper. I Can't catch anything!"

4. When you're faced with a great difficulty in life, you find yourself deeply pondering "Hmmm... what would Shebby do in this situation?"

3. If something's blocking your way, you don't walk over it like you should.

You DIVE over it like Superman.

2. When your friend gives you a friendly pat on the back, you don't just look and smile at him.

You fall down dramatically, clutch your knee and cry like a bitch.

"Owww.... Pain! Pain!"
1. When someone said something mean against you, you don't just walk away.

You headbutt him right in the chest.
classic. me luv kennysia. :D
he's a genius.. he should have like a talk show on tv. hell i'd watch it. scratch that! i'd download it!! :D
Owh owh owh!!!
thx to zul ezli, ezani, my dear abg zoul and some other people who kept me entertained this morning. :)
also thx for the super adorably sweet msg i got from someone that really made my day ;) ^_^ thank yew....
owh n also tq to chaps for sending me emails! hurrrah!!
i feel so loved today. haha. ok not loved la.. but then takde la cam terabai sgt. :P
which reminds me... i better get started on that letter i was suppose to send alia. :( i keep on forgetting about it. It's gonna be her bday in a few 2!! days...
The poor thing.. celebrating her bday in lumut by the see with a bunch of RMC boys.... *....wait a minute. :(( I nak gak!!!!*
damn gtg.. bos panggil. :D
Monday, July 10
OMG!!! It's THE END OF THE WORLD....cup.
People will stop calling for emergency leave, morning classes will be no longer missed and Malaysian sleeping patterns will revert to the norm.
No more FOotball Adverts, No more Footie collectable Prepaids, No more Rowdy mamak stalls @ 3am, No more Ronaldinho trying to sell washing detergent!!
finally we can go on talking about normal stuff... like..
Shh!! I'm trying to think.....
Owh well. lets forget that... go footie!! Lets talk about Zidane's Awesome flip out on the 111th minute in last nites game :D :D That costed France the win. France still rules btw. >:P ITALY SUCKS!
ceh. Forget TALKING! lets watch it again :D :D :D
yes yes. i'm a saint. you all love me. Enuff with the fan mail already!!
neway... it's a boring day today. boss isn't coming in (probably upset france lost too.. haha) So everyone is just lepaking/sleeping and unmotivated to work(also due to last nites game).
I definately wasn't aware of how the world cup effected our lives until this morning when i got into a cab to go to work and the cabbie was still in his pajamas. I mean the guy was in shorts!! n he explained that he still hasn't gone to bed yet.. or has he had a chance to take a shower (unneeded information i assure you.) and when i finally got to work.
Big suprise!! no one was in yet... and i was LATE! i mean 9.15 usually most of the peopleare already here. but i waited outside for another 10 mins. Only then did my co-worker Edwin come to open the door. huhu...
So proud to come early once in awhile :D :D
k la. wanna go get something to drink then pretend to work for another 2 hours. then balik n tido! hurrah!!
i miss mmu.
Saturday, July 8
Take it all.... or at least whats left.
but i heard it on the radio last night.. and something struck me probably due to the fact that i was extremely Emo at that time or maybe cuz i just need another song to put in my blog...huhu, Don't get me wrong tho, i still hate Nick Lachey... but it's about the song not the singer.
so here goes.
Nick Lachey
What's Left of me
Watch my life pass me by
in the rearview mirror
Pictures frozen in time
are becoming clearer
I don't wanna waste another day
Stuck in the shadow of my mistakes
'cause I want you
and I feel you
crawling underneath my skin
like a hunger
like a burning
to find the place I've never been
now I'm broken
and I'm fading
I'm half the
But you can have
What's left of me
I've been dying inside
Little by little
Nowhere to go
But goin' out of my mind
In endless circles
runnin' from myself until
You gave me a reason for standing still
And I want you
and I feel you
crawling underneath my skin
like a hunger
like a burning
to find the place I've never been
now I'm broken
and I'm fading
I'm half the
But you can have
What's left of me
Falling faster
Barely breathing
Give me somethin' to believe in
Tell me it's not all in my head
Take what's left of this
Make me whole once again
'cause I want you
and I feel you
crawling underneath my skin
like a hunger
like a burning
to find the place I've never been
now I'm broken
and I'm fading
I'm half the
You can have
All there's left
Yeah, yeah, yeah
What's left of me
I've been dying inside you see
I'm going out of my mind
Out of my mind
I'm just runnin' in circles all the time
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left
Of me
Just runnin' in circles IN MY MIND
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left
Take what's left of me
anyway... thx to wan for being a wonderful friend to me. i really needed it after that suprise close encounter. I still don't know why it affected me that much. But as always i again realise how weak i am. And how i'm only human.
i'm just human..
Friday, July 7
The Chicky hour...
I was asked to tag along for the ride.. hurrah! something to do!!
So we got to SkywalkerTV and found out they actually wanted to shoot an episode of KFC chicky hour using the software as a concept pilot for the KFC bigwigs.
Owh n i got to meet CHICKY!!! he's so cute and cuddly and chikenny(??) :P and he's actually a skinny chinese dude, but still.. adorable. :P
anyhow, it was kinda interesting altogether... the green screen, the big cameras, the big lights, the quirky personality of kak Ju. :P I think the show is gonna come out great :)
Owh b4 i forget
i wanna wish my beloved friend JAJA a
sayang u.. muahx2!! nanti i balik cyber kita cuddle k?? ;)
probably gonna go back to melawati tomorrow.. i'm Missing alia terribly. :(
Also it's been about 3 weeks since i last saw tok... and uncle mamat's back from the UK. and that means.... lots and lots of UK chocolates!! :D :D
owh ya, and another thing...
to all my beloved seniors.... who have graduated and are planting 'anggurs' CONTACT ME
cuz my company is currently hiring..
and also a few of their clients are currently looking for fresh grads ANIMATORS to work for them. So jgn malu yer?? contact la saya. :D
to all my fellow peeps.. pass this info around. ok? thx.
ok then people! tata! it's quitting time~
my beloved abg wan is coming to pick me up again. :P haih merempit lagi la nampaknye :P hehe.
ps: to who it may concern.... you may be trying to hurt me now. But, you'll regret it and you'll always remember the day you treated me this way. sian timekasih.
Thursday, July 6
The early post.
for those who know me, know that it is too freaking early to be awake. let alone to blog. but i feel like bitching so here we are. :D
I just finished checking my emails..
i had like 25 unread emails. and the last time i checked my mail was yesterday. SPAM sucks. Don't you agree? Man, if i had a dollar for everytime i won the lottery (that i didn't enter).. i think i'd be damn rich. huhu..
How come i never get emails from anybody that matters?? I mean like real emails saying 'hey how was your day..' and.. well you get what i mean. Normal emails. from people i know.
I'm so incredibly bored right now. hurm.
I might have to take a leave of absence from mmu this sem... cuz of the stupid finance people who wont unbarr me. which means im going to have to re-do my internship next year.. Dang it.
Well, maybe i'll have better luck with MDeC next year. :)
i miss cuddles :(
Monday, July 3
the wiseman and his wallpapers of wisdom..
The reason for this sudden outburst of anger, sorrow, and pure stab-with-knife worthy heart throbbing pain has something to do with me, snooping around in friendster and finding stuff i didn't really need to find in the first place.. cause it isn't supposed to be my problem but now i found it and here we are.
Not able to vent my sadness by crying or throwing expensive jackets around the room... I turned to my faithful yahoo mssger (illegally installed in the office pc..) and the wise man called zepyhrantess22.... or rather knowned as ehsan.
i told the wiseman of my sorrows... and he said.
*content slightly tweeked for more drama. *
then he made me wallpaper. :D :D
*note to self... you owe ehsan a big Thank you hug when you get back to cyberlala*
so now i feel better.. until of course my next mood swing. God only knows when that'll be. sigh~
owh.. im going back to cyber tonite to see zaxx to go drop off some paperwork and pick up some Cd's..
yay. less then an hour more to go till quitin time! yeayhoo~
Sunday, July 2
The fantastic High school musical.
I'm currently in Cyberjaya... lepaking. :D
with the girls and wan. I came back last nite after some party in Espanda KL with Mashi, Wan, and Jaja.. after that we hung out in pelita with Alang and watched the massacre of brazil vs france. hehe. (i'm glad france won!! serves those proud brazilian bastards for being damn cocky!)
neway... i just now, got back from Alamanda for breakfast/lunch/dinner... :P ya i know it's late. :P
so now i'm doing nothing.... at jaja's pc.. and alang2 tuh duk download songs from my current fave movie, the new disney channel movie, High School Musical. :D starring basically unknown talent. well except for Ashley Tisdale, who's a Disney channel favourite.
i love this movie.. thx to ezani. i'm hooked!!
and since theres nothing else to do back home in puchong... all i do is watch it. Over and Over and over and over again. :P
my fave song has to be the last song..
Breaking Free.
We’re soarin’, flyin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying
So we’re breaking free
You know the world can see us
In a way that’s different than who we are
Creating space between us
‘Til we’re separate hearts
But your faith it gives me strength
Strength to believe
Chorus #1
We’re breakin’ free
We’re soarin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying
Yeah, we’re breaking free
Oh, we’re breakin’ free
Can you feel it building
Like a wave the ocean just can’t control
Connected by a feeling
Ohhh, in our very souls
Rising ‘til it lifts us up
So every one can see
Chorus #2
We’re breakin’ free
We’re soarin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying
Yeah we’re breaking free
Ohhhh runnin’
To get to that place
To be all that we can be
Now’s the time
So we’re breaking free
We’re breaking free
Ohhh , yeah
More than hope
More than faith
This is true
This is fate
And together
We see it comin’
More than you
More than me
Not a want, but a need
Both of us breakin’ free
Chorus #3
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying
Yeah we’re breaking free
Breaking free
Were runnin’
Ohhhh, climbin’
To get to the place
To be all that we can be
Now’s the time
Now’s the time
So we’re breaking free
Ohhh, we’re breaking free
You know the world can see us
In a way that’s different than who we are..
but i have to say the closing dance sequence is pretty awesome too.. i wish i could dance. :P But unfortunately i'm extremely kaku. and plus i dont like to jiggle :P hehe..
On a sadder note. ALIA'S GONE!!!!!!!!!
three weeks without my ickle sister :( sedihnya...
can't even call her.. :( uwaaaaaa.... and i also didn't get a chance to say goodbye. cuz she couldn't bring her handphone the place she's going. :(
hmm... everyones leaving me...
alia's gone, moe's gone...... at this rate, i'll haff no one to bitch to.. :((
but still nasib baik ada zac efron and orlando bloom to cheer me up sementara tunggu alia dtg balik. :D
ickle Zac Efron @ Troy the boy toy. *i wonder if he's legal?*
My Darling Mr Ollie Bloom @ Will turner the Sexy pirate. *drool*
ok.. gtg tolong jaja masak *or at least try n help :D*
see ya~