Wednesday, July 12

Stolen from Kenny sia.

Ok, this is stolen from Kennysia's blog.

i'm not proud but it's just too funny.....

Signs You're Suffering From World Cup Withdrawal Symptoms
The World Cup's over but are you still feeling the football fever? Here are top 6 signs you might be suffering from World Cup Withdrawal Symptoms. (there's supposed to be 9 but i threw out the ones the weren't as funny.

6. You wake up for no reason at all at 3am, feeling as if you should be doing something instead of sleeping.

5. When your boss or lecturer explained something to you that you don't understand, you said to him "Sir! You keep on talking, but I'm like that French goalkeeper. I Can't catch anything!"

4. When you're faced with a great difficulty in life, you find yourself deeply pondering "Hmmm... what would Shebby do in this situation?"

3. If something's blocking your way, you don't walk over it like you should.

You DIVE over it like Superman.

2. When your friend gives you a friendly pat on the back, you don't just look and smile at him.

You fall down dramatically, clutch your knee and cry like a bitch.

"Owww.... Pain! Pain!"

1. When someone said something mean against you, you don't just walk away.

You headbutt him right in the chest.


classic. me luv kennysia. :D

he's a genius.. he should have like a talk show on tv. hell i'd watch it. scratch that! i'd download it!! :D

Owh owh owh!!!

thx to zul ezli, ezani, my dear abg zoul and some other people who kept me entertained this morning. :)
also thx for the super adorably sweet msg i got from someone that really made my day ;) ^_^ thank yew....

owh n also tq to chaps for sending me emails! hurrrah!!
i feel so loved today. haha. ok not loved la.. but then takde la cam terabai sgt. :P

which reminds me... i better get started on that letter i was suppose to send alia. :( i keep on forgetting about it. It's gonna be her bday in a few 2!! days...

The poor thing.. celebrating her bday in lumut by the see with a bunch of RMC boys.... *....wait a minute. :(( I nak gak!!!!*

damn gtg.. bos panggil. :D


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