Friday, July 7

The Chicky hour...

Today i went to Kelana Jaya with my boss to give a Demo on one of our Virtual Sets called Darim.

I was asked to tag along for the ride.. hurrah! something to do!!
So we got to SkywalkerTV and found out they actually wanted to shoot an episode of KFC chicky hour using the software as a concept pilot for the KFC bigwigs.
Owh n i got to meet CHICKY!!! he's so cute and cuddly and chikenny(??) :P and he's actually a skinny chinese dude, but still.. adorable. :P
anyhow, it was kinda interesting altogether... the green screen, the big cameras, the big lights, the quirky personality of kak Ju. :P I think the show is gonna come out great :)

Owh b4 i forget

i wanna wish my beloved friend JAJA a

sayang u.. muahx2!! nanti i balik cyber kita cuddle k?? ;)

probably gonna go back to melawati tomorrow.. i'm Missing alia terribly. :(
Also it's been about 3 weeks since i last saw tok... and uncle mamat's back from the UK. and that means.... lots and lots of UK chocolates!! :D :D

owh ya, and another thing...
to all my beloved seniors.... who have graduated and are planting 'anggurs' CONTACT ME
cuz my company is currently hiring..

click pic for bigger picture.

and also a few of their clients are currently looking for fresh grads ANIMATORS to work for them. So jgn malu yer?? contact la saya. :D

to all my fellow peeps.. pass this info around. ok? thx.

ok then people! tata! it's quitting time~
my beloved abg wan is coming to pick me up again. :P haih merempit lagi la nampaknye :P hehe.

ps: to who it may concern.... you may be trying to hurt me now. But, you'll regret it and you'll always remember the day you treated me this way. sian timekasih.

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