Friday, June 15

Caution.: This post may contain swearing and emoness.


Im upset, pissed off, confused, and suprised..... to HOW THE HELL DID I FAIL VR??????

words cant describe the things i feel right now. feel like punching someone. *i already have someone in mind. *

feel like giving up..... i never wanted to do Virtual Fucking reality anyway.

Bias fucks.

A lot of people submitted their work half done. how come i failed when i had a beginning, middle and end??

some peoples levels werent even working!!!!

Bias sial. im so angry. Im not saying everyone who tak siap deserved to fail... but i just dont understand how i did.


If it was that bloody bad why didnt the BLOODY FUCKING USELESS LECTURERS tell me that my idea was CRAP on the countless of POINTLESS CRIT SESSIONS???

owh i forgot. cuz everytime i present, they tune out and start talking to each other while stuffing their faces with Currypuff;S!!!


The only reason vr is toleratable is cuz the STUDENTS! are more hardworking in 'menaikkan' nama vr. The lecturers just sit on their fat asses and pretend to do work.

The students are the real lecturers. FUAD, EZANI AND KASSIM are better teachers than bloody the actual lecturer. Who i now understand WHY he is the laughing stock of FCM.

Ok so the work probably wasnt anywhere near an A. But fail terus.... kejam sial. Kejam gila.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can apply for a regrading.

You should ask the lecturers first why they failed you, because sometimes there are reasons which fall right out of their own power or jurisdiction (like one of their superiors told them to fail anybody who skipped class a lot), so a regrading might fix things. They'll probably listen, and it's not like they really hated you or anything, right?

And maybe you patut padam this post, coz kalo diorang terbacer, then there's no way to persuade them to pass you.

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