Monday, August 29

Brown eyed girl

Listening to: Everclear - brown eyed girl
chatting with: Mashi strange and katak lumpy.

no blogging lately.
been busy...

as i said i didnt go back this weekend. bcoz of lack of funding.
then suprisingly something happened.
daniel came.....
he knocked on my door.... and i dont know why but i suddenly missed him so much.
we hugged for the longest time.... stopping only to close the front door so that chino tak kuar.
we talked, fought, talked, fought some more....... then reached an understanding.
so im not gonna declare anything yet cuz i dont want to jinx it.
but.....for sure i do love him. a lot.
but the whole break up thing was never about love. right?
it's about tolerance....and understanding.
something both of us need to work on. and have agreed to work on :)

so yeay~ he's back in my life....

right now tgh layan lagu everclear.
the thing is alia asked me if i had lagu father of mine by everclear.
then i realised that is the only everclear song i have...
Sedangkan i love everclear songs...
like wonderful, AM radio and volvo driving soccer mom. :D :D
me n alia had a fight with my mom today (*see rashid....i have a mom. and im not an orphan... but thx for caring)
we went all the way to midvalley to meet her. and then she gave us this lame ass lie about being to tired....
taknak jumpa sudah....
i finally realised that i havent seen my mother in a month. that last time i saw her was when daniel was here the last time.. sedih.
but nak wat camne.... my mom ade banyak lagi keje MORE important nak wat.

dedicated to my mama.

I close my eyes when I get too sad
I think thoughts that I know are bad
Close my eyes and I count to ten
Hope it's over when I open them

I want the things that I had before
Like a Star Wars poster on my bedroom door
I wish I could count to ten
Make everything be wonderful again

Hope my mom and I hope my dad
Will figure out why they get so mad
Hear them scream, I hear them fight
Say bad words that make me wanna cry

Close my eyes when I go to bed
And I dream of angels that make me smile
I feel better when I hear them say
Everything will be wonderful someday

Promises mean everything when you're little
And the world's so big
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
Tell me everything is wonderful now

yeah..... my life isnt all rainbows and unicorns is it? :P




Danyael... said...

Make sure lepas ni u lock Chino at the balcony before i datang k :)

Ayeshadam said...

ngade :P love u awak~ >:D<

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