Chatting with: Nia
today was a weird day :P
which reminds me.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the weirdest girl of all....MALINA LISA.
it all started last night. after me and alia came back from midvalley....kesengalan :P
alia was ranting and raving about mama... n wanted stress relief.
so we decided to go for shisha. after car searching to no avail.
the plan was cut short..
but after a short chat with ijam... we offered to look for a car for us.
so yeay~~
about 1.30am we set off.... ijam and his friend Mat teng. came to pick us up in the infamous YELLOW KANCIL rented from Abg sab (who is known in mmu as being the MMU super senior :P)
the car. was in bad shape..... apart from the color, the interior wasnt anything to be desired.
neway we made our way to hartamas. reached there about 2.30
only afer we ordered in hartamas square that we realised the shisha stall was closed.
so mashi's dream of shisha labucci was quickly shattered.
afer drinks we made a quick dash across the street to uncle dons.
n shisha'd sampai lebam!!! :D :D :D
sempat gak networking.... berkenalan ngan abg shisha :P
finally after sumer dah weng semacam..... we got moving back to cyber.
it was 5am....
(kaya arh abg sab :P)
balik2 tuh melaporkan diri kepada yg tersayang....
he doesnt mind but why bother risking possible fights :P
tido....about 2 and a half hours later... bgn mandi... gi class MID.
which proved a complete waste of time...
and i was still a little light headed at the time... so bursting giggle fits from me and mashi are to be ignored..
we are not crazy..
just a little weng~ :P
abis MID terus balik tido..
didnt go to MCI...telajak.. demmit..
malina n alia kejut2 jer dah kul 4. so terus gi makan kat mmu cuz my poor lil sis was starving :P
so went to eat.... had chicken chop. yum2~
alia had cabonara :P
n now i have a MPD meeting.
waiting for dearest ehsan.....lalala~
b4 i go here are some pics from last nite :D

the girls... me alia n mashi

L to R - ijam, me, mat teng, mashi and alia

new dudes. Zack, fairul and mashi
k la i think i hear ehsan..
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