Friday, September 15

ALIAZANI mengidap penyakit PDA/ECS

Hurrah!!! Tis Friday!!!

And you know what Friday means.

actually i don't have plans... yet. But, it's early.

Neway, that's not what we are here for......

We gathered here today.... to find out...

'What did Ayesha do last night??'

Well, my friends. Fret not. For it is a tale so great that .... crap.

takde idea la nak merepek ape actually....

Last night me, mama and ALIAZANI (alia + ezani have now merged into one super humanoid. Scary. I know.) went to Midvalley Megamall.. cuz mama nak buka puasa and my Paycheck just cleared (FINALLY!!) so i was obliged to blanja people makan. huhu. So we makan-ed @ the food court. Mama had some Wantan Mee Sup with stewed beef (deng sedap.) and i had a ROSTI WITH CHEESE!! (to die for! me love ROSTI's!)

Iklan jap: For those of you who don't know what rosti's are... basically they are just potato pancakes.

After makan, i wanted to go watch a movie. Since it's a very rare occasion these days when we get to hangout with mama. i mean between Boyfriends, Friends, Work, Parties.......Boyfriends. Sigh... no wonder the woman always majuk. huhu. Unfortunately the movie we wanted to watch. (I wanted to watch DOA!) was really late. And ezani had to go home early. . Darn it.

Owh and to ALIAZANI: 'gila PDA!! pastu ada hati kata i ngn cuddles PDA. bluek!! at least i tak hugging depan mama. tsk. huhu!'

The pesakit pesakit.

Since there wasn't a movie we could watch, we went home, and watched the road to EL DORADO!!! weeeheee~

I love watching Disney movies that everyone has forgotten about. After the movie we just hung out and talked and talked... i slept about 1 am. huhu.
overall a night well spent.

Pics shall be updated later. Forgot to upload again *doink*

Neway, we Had this HUGE meeting today. Could barely keep my eyes opened. huhu.
5 working days till interns are over. hurrahh!!!

Owh, Wan ajak gi loft.... macam menarik. huhu. tp tgk la bagaimana
Saya tidak berjumpa dgn kesayangan saya hari ini... uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Awak!! i windu kat yew!!! serious! nak CUDDLE!!!

Ps: sorry, jiwang. but it's my blog. BLUEK!

Edited: as promised. Pics.

Mama mia!!

Food oh, Glorious Food.

Good thing with being around Tall-er people. You'll look Small-er.



Anonymous said...

pda bukan penyakit.

Ayeshadam said...


Anonymous said...

hug depan ur momma? HOLY GOOGALY MOOGALY!

and btw. eldorado is not disney's

Ayeshadam said...

Dreamworks. Sorry. :P

Anonymous said...

hahahaaaa. the first time i read it, the pics tak kuar. but looking at those pics...giler cun!!!

esp aliazani's syndrome AND the ezani mengamuk :))

Anonymous said...

giler cun?! ezani mengamuk?! apecite?! actually that guy buat muka pelik, tak nampak macam marah pun.

hey, the guy in white looks bigger than the girl in black.

and that gambar ecs reminds me of something from utusan's kesihatan section.

btw, aye, i still want teh pics. nanti emailkan kepada inazek@g.

Ayeshadam said...

Baik CIk's

Anonymous said...

sure you get this often kan...mama you kai tudung....adik you jalan pegang alahai!

Ayeshadam said...

erm.... ???

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