Late Yesterday evening.... i was startled by the sound of my 'sex in the city ringtone'.. and then,
Me: Hellow.... ;;)
Ins Azizi: Hello, ni ayesha kan?
Me: Yup, saper nih.
I.A: you ni ayesha yg hilang duit kat bcb kan?
Me: Yup, saper nih??
I.A: Saya dari Polis Bukit Aman. Tgh nak buat investigation berkenaan kes ini. U ada kerugian kan??
Me: *!!!* Ada. ada. Rm340...
I.A: Boleh tak u dtg bukit aman. bagi statement?
Me: saya keje 9-6 mon to fri. bila nak saya dtg?
I.A: takpe2 kitorang boleh kasik surat, datang saje.
Me: Ok Ok. jadi bila ek?
I.A: Esok la. Jumaat kul 2.30?
Me: Erm. ok kot. kat mana?
I.A: Kat bukit Aman.
Me: OK. jap nama cik?
I.A: Owh, Say Azizi. Inspector Azizi.
A real policeman has my handphone number!!! Dang.
But hey maybe i'll finally get the money back... weeeeeeeeeee~
But back to the original problem... how the hell am i supposed to get to bukit aman???
uwaaaaaaaaaaaa!! die la die la!!
sigh. kene naik cab i guess.. since wan is working today. :(
takley la help me.. huhu.
owh. on a happy note.
and fez. and ummi D. and other overthesea people.
*edited... ummi D is not coming back. :D opss*
smalam saw fez for the first time since he went off to the UK.
DAMN! i nak gi UK gak la... I had to say, i heard stories that he lost weight. but DAYM!!
He was like DAMN skinny. But according to him 3 months back in Malaysia and he'd be back to his normal self (and size) again. hehe
But seriously dude... u look good. :)
can't wait to see what happens to alia if she goes there... just hope the reverse doesn't happen. :P
*I KID i kid!!*
just had a company meeting today. my first ever meeting!! :D :D *excited gila*
And best of all... the boss told everyone to speak english. haha! take that biatches!!
theres supposed to be this company makan2 together thing later at 7.. but i don't think i'll go. Cause... 1: They want to go KTV (kareoke.. shit)
2: i haff no money. Unlike them who baru dpt gaji... duh!
3: They'll probably sing chinese songs. wahlauwei!
4: rather go spend time with mama and alia @ TGIFs. *makan free.. cuz wit mama :D
Think im going to go back to toks this weekend. cuz it's alias last week n all.. (cuz she's going to lumut for OBS on sunday)
but mashi wants me back in cyber. to go buy fish *dont ask why*
also it would be nice to go lepak with zaxx and the guys. and also might go see my beloved abang bunga tonite. Owh and also alang promised me a home cooked meal @ putra. :P which sounds interesting.. plus i miss jaja >:D<
decisions decisions
me? I'm not back in KL. If you're talking about me, that is... x_x
yea... met ummi Nadrah in midvalley in midvalley on saturday.
she told me.. huhu sorry :P
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