i know i did a sucessful job when not even one camera escaped my face :D :D weeee~! *mesti ade walau sikit*
so here.

is Me with Aliya. (my stepmother/sister)

this is Mickie my sayangs.

Me and My supposed EmCEe partner Teng Hui.

Me and syooq in a wet t-shirt contest. *he won*

Me and my lovable Emo Ehsan

Me, mashi and SUPERMAN!!! (a.k.a FUAD md DIN)

Me Mashi and some of our Juniors. *Shit i feel old*

Mashi, me and Adem @ Ang Gedek gedek

Ezani, pretending not to be bothered

This picture is just so damn cool!

.Beautiful people.

Goyang abang zaxx... jgn tak goyang..

me and zaxx. :D * dah tak goyang dah.*
There were some pro cameramen around. and this is are some pictures i stole from the website. for some reason it made me look like a soap opera star.
Ayesha in La prisonera

POrque??? Mi amor?? POR QUEEEEEE!!!

Me and the back of Adam's head... *shit i need braces*

me and co-presenter Ross.

POrque??? Mi amor?? POR QUEEEEEE!!!

Me and the back of Adam's head... *shit i need braces*

me and co-presenter Ross.
Of course.... no picture post is complete without a picture of my and my sayang

Daniel and me

And us again.
ps: to people who didnt take pics with me.. haha. nyesal tak?? :P (ehem2 to Ch.p.n)
well, thats all. Dont wanna over load my page :D :D
xoxo korang~
u lo0ked gorgeous lah!
FCm nite was a blast!!
congrates to all the committees
saya tak henti2 nyanyi lagu 'cant take my eyes off of you' till today!
and yeah, FCM nite nyer pics banyak yang cun.
all the girls malam tu memang berdepot@ hotness!
the guys plak sangat encem..muahahaha
cuci mata~
aye. henry cute kan?muahahahha
I like the La Prisionera pictures..The pictures look like what they're meant to be - a moment frozen in time~~ hehehhe..And ur caption mmg spot on!! :P Quero Qe Si? ;)
And yes hunny, I love you, but you really need those braces. We don't want any Genting events happening again do we..Muahahhaha!
haha... siot :P
*sob sob sob* sampai ati aye tak taruk skali gambar i ngan u *sob sob sob* tak nak kawan la kalo camnie *sob sob sob*
mentang-mentang I tak ensem...*sob sob sniff*
erm........ opps
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