but it is my duty to all harry potter fans to report what i find.
i found a fun VR application based on harry potter...
it actually gives the user a virtual tour of the potter sets. :D
real FUN!
for potter fans and VR troopers ;)
Potter in VR
also i saw the movie trailer.... it was beautiful.
now i wanna watch the movie so bad it hurts :P
i know im lame.....but seriously i have a right to be excited :P
the trailer was really AWESOME!!!
neway real world news.
im still in cyber... going back to melawati tomorrow. yeay~
yesterday i actually wrote this really long post about how much this holiday is gonna suck.
but i accidently restarted my pc.... opps, silly me (^_^)
owh well... i leave u with these darling pics of my dearest harry :D :D

Best gila babi lah Harry Potter webby!! Aaaaaaaaaaa!! I feel like I'm 13 all over again ;D
p/s: We MUST go time premiere OK!! :D
yeaaayyy!! the potter freaks are back!!:D
I still think Viktor Krum's cuter :P
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