chatting with: syasya quantan
i never realised so many people read my blog.....
so i did a little test....
this is how much my counter was at 6pm friday....

this is my counter on saturday 6pm

thats a lot for 24 hours huh?
owh well.... glad to know that people are interested in what i have to say... either that or WOW u people must b really bored :D :D
went to alamanda tadi....
and ERA fm was doing some sort of promotion... like i care...
but then! VE!! wooohooooooo~~~
one of the FEW malaysian Groups that i can tolerate :D :D
they sang two songs one of em my fave, Pop ye ye~~
and another one...i dont know the song but it was nice :P
lupa tanya dier tajuk...hehe

neway this is a pic i took right b4 they left the stage :D :D
i nak gi tangkap gambar ngan dorang tp segan... taknak la seem like a groupie :P
lame-O supreme-O :P
ok la......nak tido japs...
td makan kfc....argh dah lama tak makan dgn banyak...kenyang~~~
:D :D :D
mmg bosan pon..yeh..
haha :P
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