Tuesday, August 16

so who am i to say this situation isnt great - jason mraz

listening to : Jason Mraz -Geek in the PInk (i goddamn love this song!)
chatting with: nizam mraz :))

i dont really feel like blogging lately....
but i have nothing better to do... so there..
i finished my Layouts for VR....(haha...jgn jeles ijam~~ :P)

i slept this afternoon (after class i mean....around 4pm).... woke up at 10pm
yeah, i sleep alot when im depressed, surpressed, or just plain bored.
i slept thruout most of the weekend....
been listening to a lot of songs.....

finally found someone who listens to jason mraz...like me!
jason mraz is so much cooler and BETTER than all the other mainstream clones..
he's different....and i love him :D

so guys... if u've never listened to me b4...
buy the new album.......MR A-Z
seriously... tak rugi :D serious......serious wei!!
emo laks..muahahhaa~

Jason Mraz
1000 things

I'm overjoyed and over loved and feeling lucky
Like a little boy who's hiding under covers
And looking to discover any way to play the part inside his darkened cave
Well the meaning of life it starts at the nightlight
Close your eyes and hope to see mine

Well I've seen a thousand things in one place
But I stopped my counting when I saw your face
Erasing memory I feel as though I've never seen a face before
Until I saw your eyes smiling back at me thru my tears
I've been counting all these years
Now suddenly the thousand things I've seen were
Nothing more than dreams of you and me

You and me quietly at a stand still
Fortunately you will kiss me and I'll kiss you back
Fact of the matter of is that I don't know what the latter is
That I always wanted to kiss you but
I always wanted to run from you
Because I always wanted to miss you
And that I've always wanted to come for you

So... how do you do?

dont believe me.... check up some of the songs here
tips.... try wordplay, GEEK IN THE PINK <3, or Bella Luna ;)

gee...talking about jason mraz cheers me up everytime... :P
so to make my day... msg me and ask me about him... haha :P


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