Friday, July 29

he's back....

Listening to: Mariah Carey - Bringing on the heartache
Chatting with: no one in particular

nia and me talked earlier this afternoon...
after a lot of sorries and i'll never do it again's from both parties...
we decided to pretend it never happened...
so we are indeed in love again....
hopefully this time...(nah forget it, i wont say it...)
i just want it to work so badly...
i know i wont b able to go on without him in my life....
   i don't think i'll ever get over that fact.

neway we were supposed to go to zouk tonite...
but we had transportation malfunction...
so went to eat at la tumis instead (lame i know...)
watched tv the whole day....knowing very well i have tons of VR work to do..arggh!
owh well...
better get cracking right??


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